Face lift is a procedure to tighten the skin and also reposition the muscles, skin, and fat. It removes the excess skin on the face and makes the face look younger. Additional procedures may be necessary to achieve best results on the face. Candidates for face lift
The best candidates who could opt for a face lift surgery are the people who show signs of facial aging but still have some elasticity in their skin. Preparing for the surgery
Your surgeon will want to review your medical history to know your medical status. The doctor will examine your facial skin and make a note of the scars, skin irregularities and other specifications. The surgeon may also take a picture of the face for medical records. You will be asked to perform a few tests if required. Before the face lift surgery, you may have to avoid medications like aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and other medicines that could increase bleeding. You will also be asked to stop eating, the day before your surgery. Try to arrange for help on the day of the surgery and also during your recovery.